
0 item(s)



Return policy

This Return Policy only applies to products that are listed on any website or mobile application owned or operated by (the “Site”) as “Sold and Shipped by”.

What can I return?

You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by www. within 1 day of delivery for a full refund.

Does offers replacements or exchanges?

Yes, we do. If you received a damaged or defective item, we’ll send you a replacement of the same item based on the availability. If you’d like to exchange an item for something else, you can exchange for a different product in the same category. Just call our hotline +8809678220099 number and follow the instructions. There are certain conditions for getting an exchange for the purchase.

- Product must be unopened and unused.

- Request must be generated through Facebook/Email/Call within 24 hours of Delivery.

- Exchange is subject to availability.

- Exchange Product(s) value should be higher than the current Product(s) value.

When will I get my refund? coupon, bKash or Bank Transfer). Due to pandemic situation, refund may take upto 45 workings day to be completed. 

Will there be any cost to return any item?

The customer will not bear any cost for returning any defective or damaged item(s). will bear the cost in such cases. will pick the return requested product(s) up from Home Address inside Dhaka Metro and Customer has to drop the product on Designated outside Dhaka Hub so that can collect it.

Conditions for Returns

The product must be unused and kept in original packaging. If a product is returned to us in an inadequate condition, we reserve the right to send it back to you.

The product must include the original tags, user manual, warranty cards, freebies and accessories.

Valid reasons to return an item

Delivered Product is damaged (physically destroyed or broken) / defective (dead on arrival)

Delivered Product is incorrect (presentation different on website) / incomplete (missing parts)

** Delivered Product is “No longer needed” (you no longer have a use for the product / you have changed your mind about the purchase/ you do not like the product after opening the package) is not eligible for a return request.

Warranty Policy provides 2 types of warranty.

1.      Brand Warranty.

2.      Seller’s Warranty.

Type of Warranty along with the number of years will be mentioned in each product’s detailed page.

How to Claim Warranty?

To claim warranty, you need to contact our customer service number +8809678220099 and schedule a pickup while mentioning the problem. will pick up the product and make sure the return after servicing. To claim a valid warranty, customer needs to provide the invoice that he/she got from during the purchase. In that invoice, product serial number along with the warranty period will be mentioned. Our QC team will cross check the actual product number along with the serial number and if they find any discrepancy then the warranty claim will be declared as void. On other note, regular warranty conditions will be applicable.

** Warranty will be provided upon the availability of spare parts in the market. Return time may vary upon this.

** may refuse to provide warranty by mentioning the cause to the customer.